We have been overwhelmed by the good wishes and wonderful stories so many of you have shared with us. For us, Doug was a great brother and son, along with being a meticulous pilot, a pioneering engineer, and a giver of time and talent.

Most importantly, thank you for your friendship and generosity at this difficult time. Doug would have wanted all of us to celebrate and embrace the life he lived – he lived it well.

The Bourn Family

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Engineering inspiration.

posted on behalf of Heidi Liebenguth Crone
Some photos of Doug working with the team, celebrating their “Engineering Inspiration” Award in 2006 (he's on the right, in back) and proudly wearing his “Gatorbotics” t-shirt.

Doug was such a dear man and will be missed so much. He mentored Castilleja High School’s FIRST robotics team from its inception and was such an inspiration to all of the girls. My daughter, Christina, thought he was just the coolest guy ever. So kind, encouraging and a wonderful teacher.

Doug spent countless hours, after work, sometimes late into the night, coaching the girls and helping the parents build large structures for the robot to interact with. I had the pleasure of helping chaperon the girls at all of the regional tournaments and the National Championship for three years, and what a thrill it was for the team to see Doug and their other beloved mentors cheering for them at the National Championship in Atlanta.

For my daughter and for so many young women on the team over the past 6 years, Doug showed how engineering was fun, fascinating, exciting and rewarding...just really cool.

—Heidi Liebenguth Crone

1 comment:

  1. It strikes me Heidi that the mentoring, teaching, and sharing of knowledge really nourished his soul. His legacy lives on in your daughter and the other young girls he mentored.
