We have been overwhelmed by the good wishes and wonderful stories so many of you have shared with us. For us, Doug was a great brother and son, along with being a meticulous pilot, a pioneering engineer, and a giver of time and talent.

Most importantly, thank you for your friendship and generosity at this difficult time. Doug would have wanted all of us to celebrate and embrace the life he lived – he lived it well.

The Bourn Family

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More pictures of Doug.

with Nina Serpiello

with Elaine Boiko

posted on behalf of Marsha Barnhard

1 comment:

  1. These pictures were from Doug's 50th Birthday party. I remember him smiling like a kid when he opened the toys from Elaine - a jet and a couple of motorcycles.
    Wonderful party - wonderful memories
    I will miss you Doug!
